Dennis Frye

Coffee & Hardtack: Dennis Frye

The History We Think We Know | EP 74 | Dennis Frye

Civilians in the Path of Civil War - with Dennis Frye

Inside an Antietam Hospital - with Dennis Frye

Searching for a Civil War Signal Station with Dennis Frye

Historian Dennis Frye Challenges a False Antietam Narrative (Pt. 1)

John Brown's Raid - An Evening with Dennis Frye (AD) #johnbrown #harpersferry #civilwarhistory

Civil War 101: John Brown, Harper's Ferry, and Antietam-Dennis Frye

What’s this Civil War antique store find? With Dennis Frye

What’s a Dunker? Dennis Frye explains the faith community of Antietam’s Dunker Church

How Farmers Helped Save Antietam’s Viewshed - with Dennis Frye

Relic Post - Early Antietam Finds - with Dennis Frye

The Newcomer Farm and one of the Best Panoramic Views of the Battlefield: Unknown Antietam 159

Dennis Frye and A False Narrative of Antietam Part 2 with Jim Surkamp

Dennis Frye and Special Orders 191

Early Antietam Souvenirs - “HEBB CANE” - with Dennis Frye

Dennis Frye Bolivar Heights

Burnside Bridge | Antietam Battlefield Tour | Antietam 162

Meet the artist! Historic Sharpsburg’s new mural - with Dennis Frye

The Final Attack at Antietam: Unknown Antietam 159

Robert E. Lee's Headquarters at Antietam: 158th Anniversary of Antietam Live!

2022 Springfield Civil War Symposium - Dennis Frye - 'John Brown's Holy War'

Sunken Road W/Dennis Frye

The most Civil-Warred Home in the County that still stands by Jim Surkamp